
By: Samantha Edelen | Department of Biology
Since launching the very first MITxBio massive online open course 7.00x (Introduction to Biology – the Secret of Life) with professor of biology Eric Lander in 2013, Wiltrout’s team has worked with MIT Open Learning and biology faculty to build an award-winning repertoire of MITxBio cours
By: Anne Wilson | Department of Mechanical Engineering
“Students have to be able to work out things on a piece of paper, and make sketches, and write down key calculations in order to be creative,” says MIT professor of mechanical engineering David Trumper. Read more
By: Steve Nelson | MIT Open Learning
The inaugural Global AI Hackathon drew more than 1,000 participants from over 90 countries. Read more
Recently released paper focuses on the central question of how generative AI could be used to advance equitable educational pathways in computing. Read more
By: Simson Garfinkel ’87, PhD ’05
The Banana Lounge offers beanbag chairs, camaraderie, and a free, potassium-rich snack to students and visitors alike. Read more
By: Andrew Whitacre | RAISE Initiative
The three-day, hands-on conference hosted by the MIT RAISE Initiative welcomed youths and adults from nearly 30 countries. Read more
By: Katherine Ouellette | MIT Open Learning
Through this remote opportunity, interns gain real-world coding experience and practice professional skills by collaborating on MIT’s open online courses. Read more
By: Lillian Eden | Department of Biology
Throughout their journey, the Spokes team offers a variety of science demonstrations, including making concrete with Rice Krispies, demonstrating the physics of sound, using 3D printers, and, in Aluru’s case, extracting DNA from strawberries.
By: Sara Feijo | MIT Open Learning
Dimitris Bertsimas comes to MIT Open Learning from the MIT Sloan School of Management, where he is associate dean for the master of business analytics and a professor of operations research. Read more
By: Zach Winn | MIT News
The Future African Scientist organization is seeking to bolster scientific learning opportunities for African youth. To date, more than 100 students and young professionals have gone through FAS programming. Read more